Video marketing has done a lot of good for marketers, but the practice is not without its flaws and challenges. Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and many other social media platforms are full of enticing distractions, and it’s all too easy to click over to the next post or video. General audiences, as a result, are shown to have shorter attention spans than ever.

That doesn’t mean that video marketing is a lost cause, though; it just means that your videos need to appeal to today’s easily-distracted users. Here’s how to create videos your audience won’t want to click away from:
Find Your Purpose
More accurately, what you’ll be doing here is finding your video’s purpose. Marketing videos come in many forms, and one or more of the following might be good for your business:
Problem-Solving or Troubleshooting
If you’re like many people, you turn to the internet when you have a problem you just can’t seem to fix. With that being said, if you create a video that highlights a common issue and offers a solution, you can effectively draw more people to your brand.
Say you run a bicycle shop, for instance. Many newer cyclists have some trouble mastering riding with clipless pedals, so they might search online for some advice. If you craft a well-made video demonstrating how to use clipless pedals, these cyclists will probably find your video captivating and watch it through to the end.
At the end of the video, you can include a mention of your shop and how it can help cyclists improve, and because it will have provided them with such much-needed help, they’ll be more likely to pay you a visit or order something online.
Demonstrating a Product
Quick video demos are a great way to show your audience what your product is capable of, and for customers researching similar products, they are a great means of standing out from the competition.
If you run a music store, for example, creating quality demo videos of the different instruments you sell is a great idea, especially if you sell online. Customers want to know what an instrument sounds like before they buy one, and a demo reel will let them hear it before they make their purchase. It also gives you the opportunity to point out the instrument’s construction, playability, and other key features.
Telling Your Brand Story
Not all types of video marketing have to center on a specific product. Some can help potential customers learn more about your company and why you do what you do. A good story personalizes your brand and helps you stand out from your competition, and it helps you form deeper, more meaningful connections with your customers.
Suppose that you own a cookie company that came from humble beginnings. If your brand started as a small neighborhood cookie stand, a brand story video complete with vintage photos would establish credibility with your current and future customers while also setting you apart from your competitors.
Deliver Immediate Value
Video marketing isn’t the place for drawn-out introductions. If you want your audience to stay with you, you need to give them something meaningful right from the start, such as:
- Actionable advice
- Captivating or entertaining moments
- Useful tips
- A glimpse into how your product or service can make lives better
That’s not to say that you need to get every single point of yours immediately across, but you do need to get your audience hooked early on. Viewers only have so much time, and a successful marketing video will convince them that they should invest some of that time watching.

Here’s an example: Let’s say that you sell jet skis. Would you choose to open your marketing video with footage of someone riding a jet ski through blue water? Or would you want to start with someone standing in an office talking about the benefits of your company’s jet skis?
If a viewer immediately sees the former, they’ll see firsthand how much fun they can have with your product. Even if they hadn’t previously been looking for a jet ski, imagining the breeze over the water and the thrill of jumping over the waves might make them consider it!
On the other hand, a video of someone talking isn’t going to intrigue audience members nearly as much. Someone who is actively shopping for a jet ski might watch anyway, but if your goal is to hook as many potential buyers as possible, such a video marketing strategy won’t work nearly as well.
The value you offer can start before your viewer clicks play. You want to at least hint at your video’s potential value in the thumbnail. After all, if someone is scrolling through the search results on YouTube, they usually won’t click on the very first video listed — they’ll look for the one with the most interesting thumbnail.
Consider Including Interactive Elements
Boost your sales while giving your viewers a memorable experience by rolling out interactive videos, which will encourage viewers to explore your brand in a way that feels entertaining. One study even found that viewers spend about 47% more time engaging with interactive video ads compared to non-interactive ones.
Here are a few types of interactive videos you might consider:
- Hotspot Videos: These videos have clickable “hotspots” that provide more information on a product or service when clicked
- Branched Videos: These choose-your-own-adventure-styled videos let viewers select a path as you they through
- Built-In Polls: These videos have embedded questions for viewers to answer
These elements are all worth considering, but don’t forget to include calls to action either. For instance, at the end of the video, you might prompt viewers to subscribe to your mailing list or visit your website.
Even if the video itself doesn’t include interactive elements, you can still encourage your audience to engage. Mention a contest or another incentive in the comments. If you’ve just created a new mascot, ask viewers to give you name suggestions and say that the name with the most likes could win a $50 gift card. It’s a relatively small investment on your part, but it’s enough to draw in more viewers and help customers feel like their viewpoints matter.
Don’t Forget Subtitles
You want your video marketing efforts to draw in viewers and boost your business, but subtitles may not scream “engaging” at first glance. Though they may seem inconsequential, subtitles make your videos more convenient and accessible.
If some of your viewers are hard-of-hearing, incorporating subtitles lets them easily follow along, and even if they aren’t, they might be in an environment where they can’t just turn up the volume. Some might simply prefer peace and quiet while they watch something.
Have a Way to Track Results
Video marketing can be a fun (albeit challenging) creative exercise, but if you want to make sure your videos are as effective as possible, you want to make sure you have a reliable way of knowing how well they’re working and what steps you can take to improve them.
With that said, here are some key metrics to track:
- Engagement: The number of likes and comments the video gets
- Play Rate: How many people actually clicked Play to watch the video (doesn’t include those who scrolled past it with autoplay)
- Shares: Number of times viewers have shared your video across social media platforms
- Click-Through Rates: How many viewers clicked through your video to end up on your landing page (or other intended destination)
- Conversions: How many of your viewers actually turned into leads or customers
- View Count: How many people viewed your video on different social media platforms
- Watch Time: The total amount of time people have spent watching your video
These metrics are great key performance indicators to analyze when you’re comparing different videos or video formats. When you repeatedly A/B test different video marketing strategies, you’ll get a better sense of what appeals to your target audience and what doesn’t.
What Can Video Marketing Do for You?
A marketing video might be less than a minute long, but in that short span of time, you can win over new customers and earn the loyalty of existing ones.
If you haven’t ventured into the world of video marketing before, though, it can be tough to learn how to do so. That’s where Galactic Fed can help. If you want to reach new heights and boost your sales, get in touch with us today.