
Lowered CPI by 89% and Increased App Installs by +3500

The Results


App Installs in just over 3.5 months


political donations by users

The Story

Client Overview: ChangeRoots: A political platform that works to end toxic partisanship by giving its users power to influence politicians by donating either to them or to their rival candidates based on what politicians stand for.

A new mission that had challenges in driving users to its platform and getting people to become a part of the mission to end toxic partisanship.

Strategy: When Galactic Fed began with ChangeRoots, the team had a lack of prior customer data and a new ad account, coupled with the complicated process of getting Political Authorization from Facebook to run political ads. This led the Galactic Fed team to begin testing with interest & behavior-based targeting to identify users with political, power, and social activism interests or specific political behaviors. At the ad level, we tested engaging ad copy and ad creative combinations to deliver the message in the best way possible.

Our initial campaign run was to collect email sign-ups as a waiting list before the app launch. Galactic Fed then created app install, as well as landing page-to-app store campaigns to increase overall app installs of the new ChangeRoots app.

Prior to the app launch, Galactic Fed integrated the app with tracking – a mobile growth platform that was used for tracking a user’s journey within the app. Audiences were later expanded into lookalikes following the growth of the custom app audiences.

Lead Gen Campaigns:

  • Started with traffic campaigns to build awareness of the ChangeRoots mission.
  • Afterward the Galactic Fed team switched to Conversion campaigns for email submits and tested going to the landing page and Facebook’s Lead Form.

App Install Campaigns:

  • Galactic Fed segmented App Install campaigns by platforms (iOS, Android, and Web (Landing Page to App/Play Stores)
  • Galactic Fed took learnings from the email submit campaigns as to which interests and behaviors were performing. By far, “Political & Social Issues” performed the best, so we continued to target this interest, along with other political, social and, power interests and behaviors.
  • Galactic Fed took the list of email submits collected from the previous Lead Gen campaigns and created lookalike audiences from them.
  • Also, Galactic Fed created lookalike audiences from all of the app installers to run alongside interest-based targeting to broaden our audiences.
  • Collected over 660 emails in 1.5 months with CPL of $5.
  • Galactic Fed consistently delivered app installs at an overall CPI of under $3.50.

Performance Results:

  • Accomplished CPI of $4.95 vs. client’s initial goal of $13, greatly exceeding expectations
  • 1500+ political donations by users
  • 3800+ App Installs in just over 3.5 months

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