hampr - Laundry App Service

61% Conversion Rate with Order Abandonment Sequence Email Strategy

The Results


conversation rate


in-app conversions (orders and membership upgrades)


average open rate


Improve conversion of app users into paying members and boost in-app orders.


Increase revenue by nurturing and retaining users through email marketing.


Launched personalized email sequences and omnichannel engagement to drive conversions and retain customers.

Ali Chapman

Growth Director

I think one of the things we’ve loved about working with Galactic Fed is that we haven’t felt like we’re constantly rotating through different account managers. The communication has always been consistent, something we can rely on, and the team has done a fantastic job helping us navigate and answer our questions with their expertise.

The Story


hampr is an innovative app that transforms laundry day by connecting those who dread doing laundry with those who love it. As the only female-led major laundry service in the U.S., hampr has garnered attention for its unique approach and was featured in the 2023 Google Economic Impact report, showcasing its significant impact on the industry.

The Challenge

hampr wanted to increase revenue by converting app users into paying members and driving more in-app orders. To achieve this, they required a stronger focus on nurturing new users and re-engaging existing members through personalized email marketing and targeted communication.

Our Solution

Galactic Fed implemented a tailored email marketing strategy to nurture users and boost conversions. This included a customer win-back series with a 17% success rate, a personalized order abandonment sequence that drove a 61% conversion rate, and an onboarding flow to prompt first-time orders. Additionally, an upsell sequence targeted frequent users to convert them into annual members. Through an omnichannel approach combining push notifications and emails, Galactic Fed created a more personalized experience that improved both engagement and revenue for hampr.

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