Jeeves - B2B Finance Software

81% Increase in Qualified Leads through Ads and 6k Form Signups with CRO

The Results


increase qualified leads (QL)


increase in sales qualified leads (SQL)


decrease in cost per qualified lead (CPQL)


conversions (form signups)


conversion rate


Needed expert guidance to support their hyper-growth phase and bring in leads across key markets.


Increase marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and efficiently guide them through the funnel, turning more leads into form sign-ups.


Launched Meta and Google ads to target new and retargeted audiences along with a website revamp to enhance user experience and drive conversions.

Alvaro Santiago Díaz

Performance Marketing Manager

Galactic Fed’s strong technical knowledge with a human-centric personalized service touch stands out. They’re a high performing agency with a knowledgeable Martech support team.

The Story


Jeeves is a global expense management platform that simplifies financial processes for businesses of all sizes. With an intuitive interface and robust features, Jeeves empowers companies to control their spending, streamline expense reporting, and gain greater financial visibility.

Jeeves was recognized as the ‘Fintech of the Year’ in 2023 at the Europe Fintech Awards, highlighting its commitment to innovation and excellence in transforming how organizations manage expenses efficiently and effectively.

The Challenge

As a startup, Jeeves was focused on gaining traction and expanding its customer base across different regions. To achieve this, they needed to generate a steady flow of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs), while ensuring their website was optimized for converting these leads into paying customers. To drive growth, Jeeves needed to boost its online presence and ensure the user experience made it easy for potential customers to convert into paying clients.

Our Solution

To increase the number of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) in the UK, EU, and Canadian markets, Galactic Fed implemented a multi-platform approach using both Meta and Google ads. On Meta, we ran Conversion campaigns targeting Prospecting and Retargeting audiences, focusing on interest-based segments for Prospecting. This strategy helped drive a high volume of MQLs at a lower cost compared to Google. On Google, we launched Search campaigns with a comprehensive keyword strategy, covering both broad and long-tail keywords to capture different stages of search intent. By using Google audiences such as In-market and Affinity, we ensured that broader searches were qualified by user intent.

In addition, the Galactic Fed creative team revamped the Jeeves website, redesigning landing pages for better conversion and updating the messaging to align with the brand’s tone, trustworthiness, and key benefits. This optimization ensured that once leads arrived, they were guided smoothly through the funnel, increasing the chances of conversion.

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