Iron Box

Powerful Amazon Ads-to-SEO Pivot Resulted in 65% Revenue Growth for Data Infrastructure Company

The Results


QoQ ranking increase


average QoQ revenue increase


average Q2 conversion rate


average Q2 ROAS

David Scott

Financial Controller

“I think you did an outstanding job! The team was able to go between per our account, adjust quickly, and be a great help with our Amazon and SEO marketing”

The Story

Iron Box specializes in hard-to-find and customized power, rack, and data infrastructure products. They design and manufacture power cords with locking connectors, which offer a secure and reliable connection for high-power equipment and machinery. 

Relying on Amazon as one of the sales channels, Iron Box was looking to strengthen their presence there and trusted Galactic Fed, a verified Amazon Ads partner, to gear them up for success.

The Strategy

The initial strategy focused on Amazon Ads to promote existing listings. However, the Galactic Fed team noticed that the campaigns weren’t fully utilizing the allocated budget, resulting in limited reach and underperforming clicks. The team experimented with various campaign types, including display, store, remarketing, and keywords, but few of them yielded any profitable results.

After careful consideration, the team recommended Iron Box to pivot to SEO instead to optimize budget and performance. The strategy included new A+ content creation as well as PDP (product description page) assets refresh -titles, descriptions, images. This approach aimed to improve user experience, boost conversion rates, and increase competitiveness by ranking better on Amazon search.

The Success

The strategic shift proved to be extremely successful and brought significant revenue and product reach increase to Iron Box selected offerings.

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