Client Overview: Purpose.Jobs is a marketplace that connects businesses in the Midwest area with high-level talent. In other words, they connect top talent with purpose-driven startups based on values, experience, and culture fit.
The goal of the service provided is to acquire both companies (employers) and highly-skilled individuals (talent) via Google Ads in the Midwest area. For example, Ford Motor Company (Detroit Company) might need a software engineer and Purpose.Jobs will have that talent or will recruit that talent through paid ads.
Strategy: Galactic Fed launched on Google Ads with Search and Display campaigns. Theur Search strategy has been geared towards driving a high-quality score (QS) to compete with large competitor budgets. More specifically, this includes longer tailed keywords that match dynamic headline landing pages and matching headline ad copy.
While their Display strategy focuses on remarketing website visitors based on recency. Additionally, the team leveraged Search campaign conversion volume to unlock Smart Display campaigns.
Due to lead quality being extremely important to Purpose.Jobs they were able to build a short feedback loop with their CRM to evaluate the lead quality and determine CPMQL. Giving Galacitc Fed better insight on strategy and tactics that produced higher quality leads.
After scouring through several resources (competitor spy tools, past campaigns, other ad channels, etc.), Galactic Fed launched several Search campaigns (Brand, Competitor, Category) to drive traffic to the website. Their search campaign structure consisted of single-keyword ad groups (SKAGs) followed by customized expanded-text-ads (ETAs) to test several compliant approved headlines and descriptions.
Early on, the team focused on talent-related keywords so they can bring in people finding jobs. However, Galactic Fed realized that they needed to simultaneously utilize keywords that target both talent and employers (people looking to hire) in the Midwest area. To do this, they separated talent and employer keywords from their current account and prioritized keyword research for employer keywords.
Still early on in the account, Galactic Fed launched remarketing Display campaigns that targeted users that have previously visited the client’s website. Later on, they launched a Smart Display campaign which basically customized the display ads being shown depending on the user’s profile. Display campaigns leverage responsive-display ads (RDAs).
Recently the Galactic Fed revamped their landing pages to improve conversion rates by replacing the old ones while duplicating the existing account assets/structure so they retain the conversion history of the old ones. They’ve already started to see a better user experience in their landing pages which has lead to better conversion rates, and subsequently, driven up QS and lowered CPMQL.
Performance Results: Since the Galaced Fed team took over and launched their campaigns in the middle of 2019, they’ve been able to deliver the following results while working on a limited budget: