True Key Hotels & Resorts

122% More Bookings with Google Ads Strategy for True Key Hotels

The Results


increase in bookings


drop in cost-per-booking


increase in click-through rate


ROAS in dynamic search ads campaign


ROAS in pMax campaign


Finding the right customers that allow True Key to grow returns for property owners while still delivering exceptional guest experiences.


Improve revenue through higher bookings and reduced cost per acquisition.


Combined Google Ads accounts, fine-tuned campaigns, and utilized strategies like Dynamic Search Ads, leading to cost savings and better returns.

Katie Wallace

Director of Sales & Marketing

Working with Galactic Fed has been a game-changer for our company. As the Director of Sales and Marketing, I am always looking for innovative ways to drive bookings and enhance our online presence. When Galactic Fed took on the challenge of revitalizing our Google Adwords accounts, the results were more than we had hoped for.

From the outset, the Galactic Fed team was amazing to work with. Their team is responsive, proactive, and genuinely invested in helping us achieve our business goals. Their continuous monitoring and fine-tuning of the campaigns have kept performance levels high, and their transparent reporting has made it easy to track our progress and see the tangible benefits of their work.

I highly recommend Galactic Fed to any organization looking to maximize their digital advertising potential. Their professionalism, expertise, and commitment to excellence make them an asset to any marketing strategy.

The Story


True Key Hotels & Resorts specializes in resort management, crafting memorable vacation experiences. Their primary focus is to drive revenue through accommodation rentals, to generate higher returns for property owners while still ensuring exceptional guest experiences.

True Key Hotels & Resorts manage some of British Columbia’s most luxurious and spacious accommodations, offering a diverse range of properties including Bighorn Meadows Resort, Harrison Beach Hotel, Sooke Harbour Resort & Marina, SookePoint Ocean Cottage Resort, and Sunrise Ridge Waterfront Resort. They also provide hassle-free vacation rental management for homeowners through True Key Vacations.

The Challenge

True Key Hotels & Resorts main goal was to increase bookings at a cheaper cost per acquisition. So naturally, they teamed up with Galactic Fed to supercharge their Google Ads strategy. Together we embarked on a collaborative and successful journey.

Our Solution

First, we combined six Google Ads accounts into one for better campaign management and budget optimization. For a smooth transition, we gradually redirected traffic from the campaigns in the old accounts to the newly merged account’s campaigns, adjusting budgets along the way. Each resort-specific campaign was fine-tuned with customized conversion actions.

Our targeted strategies included resort-specific campaigns, streamlined STAGs structure, bid strategy experiments, and effective budget management. We also included relevant audience segments in observational mode to our campaigns. By adopting this approach, we were able to broaden our reach and mitigate the impact of search interest drops.

From the start, we saw the potential of using Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) to fill gaps in our keyword coverage. Initially, we added a DSA ad group to the Bighorn Meadows campaign, leveraging all website URLs as dynamic ad targets. This approach paid off, with the DSA ad group becoming our top performer, boasting a $20 cost per booking and a ROAS of 7x+ over the last two months.

Another game-changer was using a Hotel Property Feed to implement a Performance Max (PMAX) campaign. This approach ensured efficient ad placement across diverse Google networks, which maximized our visibility.

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