Crowd Cow

Segmented Email Marketing Strategy Brings Home the Bacon for Online Meat Delivery Marketplace

The Results


increase in revenue


increase in purchases


increase in customer acquisition


decrease in unsubscribe rate

Dylan Bondy

Head of Growth

“Excellent service! Galactic Fed is really transparent, leaning on the side of truth and clarity rather than overselling, which is a real breath of fresh air in the industry. Consistently extremely prompt in getting back to us, have all our questions answered, highly strategic and thoughtful. We’ve been absolutely WOW’d by the plans they put forward”.

The Story

Crowd Cow is an American online meat delivery
marketplace that believes in creating a meaningful connection between people
and the food they eat. 

As they offer membership and subscription packages, they rely on efficient client retention and nurturing. Looking to become more strategic with their email program as well as decrease acquisition costs, they trusted Galactic Fed to lead the way.

The Strategy

A year-long campaign had two distinct phases.

Phase 1 was all about optimizing existing email sequences, including cart and browse abandonment series, leveraging the industry’s best practices, and assessing current performance against benchmarks.

As a result, the Galactic Fed team introduced several brand-new sequences with personalized touchpoints throughout the user journey. They were designed to drive incremental orders and enhance user retention while also boosting revenue generation. Seeing a noticeable increase in revenue, Crowd Cow decided to expand the project’s scope and let Galactic Fed take over of their entire email program.

This marked the beginning of Phase 2 which also involved developing and managing all email blasts and working more closely with the client’s in-house departments to ensure goals alignment. On average, Galactic Fed executed 5 targeted email campaigns per week to Crowd Cow’s contact list.

One of the most impactful changes implemented by Galactic Fed was smart segmentation that categorized audiences based on their product interests derived from website engagement and order history. In Q3 ’23, for instance, the team managed to increase revenue by 2%, while decreasing email sends by 54% (4 millions fewer emails sent).

Strategic improvements initiated by Galactic Fed allowed to deliver more personalized content to contacts, resulting in increased revenue per send, heightened engagement rates, and a boost in revenue attributed to email blasts. Newly designed sequences also created a solid enough foundation for Crowd Cow to move email marketing back in-house.

The Strategy

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